

“Video allows us to tell the great stories of our customers, rather than our own. Great marketing starts with great stories. Be unique, inspire, and connect.”

– Bo Dietrick

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Video Production

Owning a business means you need to be a part of everything from the management to the advertising. Whether you own a small business or a larger one, you’re going to need new and innovative ways to make sure potential customers can find you and keep your customers interested in your business. One thing you may not have considered is using videos as part of your search engine optimization techniques. By implementing videos, you can catch the attention of a variety of customers and keep their interests. There are quite a few other benefits you can receive when you have

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2018: Postcreatives’ A-Year-in-Review

2018 was, undoubtedly, the most memorable year on record for Postcreatives. Our 2017 brought significant changes that set 2018 up to be a potentially great year—new location, new creative talent, renewed focus—and wow, did it deliver! Our growth over these past few years has given us the ability to say, with extreme gratitude, that 2018 has blessed us with the ability to work with some of the biggest clients we’ve had to date. With all the unique challenges our team has been tasked with, we’ve not only held our own but we’ve delivered videos that have exceeded our wildest expectations. It

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With Video Production, Small Businesses Have Increased Visibility

In today’s fast-moving society, you have a very limited amount of time to capture someone’s attention and educate them on what it is you do. When you consider business video production from Postcreatives, you are taking the best course of action to not only showcase and promote your business, but to ensure you’re grabbing your audience’s attention quickly.Video retains people’s attention far greater than written text and provides an easy-to-understand, visual style that prospective clients can grasp and comprehend. Studies show that 80 percent of people would watch a video rather than read text in its entirety. Furthermore, a business video production

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Real Estate Videos 101: The Top Real Estate Videography Tips

Any real estate agent worth their salt knows that a selling a property is about so much more than selling a property. You need to go the extra mile to show the buyer what they get from this home over all others. This is where real estate videography can help you go the extra mile. The trick is knowing where to begin. Here are three tips you need to keep in mind before your next video shoot. Plan Ahead The cardinal rule of any video shoot is simple: plan ahead. Videos may look off-the-cuff and breezy, but making a high-quality video

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9 Ways Small Businesses Should Use Video

For years, we’ve been hearing about how video will become the dominant form of marketing. Well, the future has arrived. According to Social Media Today, video represents 80% of all internet traffic. It’s no surprise, then, that 90% of customers rely on videos to help them make buying decisions. In the right hands, this type of content can be very persuasive. This is the main reason why using video for small business marketing is a great choice. It builds trust, boosts conversions, and appeals to mobile users. Most importantly, video provides a good return on investment. Of course, incorporating video into your marketing plan is far from an easy

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Top 3 Reasons Why Your Business Website Needs a Video

Online competition is growing fierce by the minute…so what are you doing about it? No matter how good the quality of your products and services is, if your business website is not visible in the top searches, isn’t engaging enough, and doesn’t deliver the ultimate user experience, then unfortunately your website will not be doing what it is supposed to—working for you! To attract targeted web traffic and convert it into sales, you need to make sure that are doing everything to stay competitive in the virtual world. Better yet, you should be doing everything online customers want. When it

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5 Ways Bloggers Can Harness the Power of Video Content

Blogging has reigned supreme for more than a decade, now, and while it’s not going anywhere, there are ways you can enhance it with the help of video content. In recent years, the trend has definitely been towards more visual mediums focused on photographs (Instagram) or video (YouTube), and for good reason – we’re all busy, and videos are quick and snappy, and they don’t require your full attention. But just because you’ve only ever done traditional blogging doesn’t mean you can’t also become a video content creator. Here are 5 ways you can harness the power of video content to develop

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How Much Does Professional Video Production Cost?

Considering online video marketing? Want to get professional, high quality video for your business? In this post, we unravel the real cost of professional video production. The good news is that not all video production services cost an arm and a leg. The cost varies depending on several factors. But what’s important to understand is that the investment in professional video production services is worth the money spent. It should be considered more of an investment than an expense, typically because a professional has the experience, the expertise and the equipment to create top quality videos that deliver your brand message with a greater

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Staying in the Game: The Top Video Marketing Trends of 2019

If you’ve been paying attention at all over the last few years, you already know that if your business isn’t utilizing video marketing, it’s going to be left in the dust. But if your videos miss the mark, you might be shooting yourself in the foot. Bad videos send the wrong message, sending your clients running. In fact, bad video marketing might be worse than no video marketing. If you want to stay on top of the game, you need to pay attention to these video marketing trends. Decreasing Costs Means More Access Once upon a time, if you wanted

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How to Develop Your Perfect 30 Second Commercial

Hi, My name is Tom Ranieri and I’m the owner and creative director of an award winning video agency called Postcreatives. In my career I have interviewed several hundreds of CEOs, Sales Executives, Business Owners  and Captains of their Industry – all over the world in my 35+ years in the video production business! I have created this specific video to help sales people and organizations of all kind get the competitive advantage they need to point blank help them to make more money! I hope you get tremendous value out of this Interview I conducted with Scott Bliss of Sandler Training. Scott is

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End Your Video Strong with a CTA! What is a CTA you ask?

Did your video effectively ask for the order? That is what a Video Call to Action (CTA) needs to accomplish. Video marketing is about generating conversions. If your video isn’t converting, you might as well add some kittens doing cute stuff and hope that they’re cute enough to get millions of views. (Hard to believe, but cat videos now account for 15% of all video traffic. Video Traffic – 82% and Growing By 2020, Cisco predicts that video will account for 82% of all consumer internet traffic and that the internet will continue to expand at a rate of 22%

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In-House Video Production Vs Outsourcing: 5 Questions To Help You Choose

Video is the future of marketing. More and more brands are using video production to promote and sell their products or services. You may know many different approaches you can take when it comes to video production. But are you the type of person who likes to do things on your own? Even if you do, do you have the expertise to create an engaging and high-quality video? Or would you prefer to outsource a video production company with experience, manpower, and expertise? This post will help you determine which method for producing high-quality, engaging video is appropriate for you.

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